When you are about to hire travel insurance, there are many circumstances and coverage that you should take into account. It is not the same to go to a European country than to countries such as Japan, Canada or the United States, where for example a broken leg could include a whopping between $25,000 and $60,000, the costs of hospitalization and treatment for serious illness can range between $60,000 and $300,000, to which we would have to add extras such as repatriation in case of serious illness.
It is also important that your travel insurance has attention 24 hours a day. Otherwise, it would be useless to call when you suffer an accident at 11:00 in Thailand since in Spain it would be 5 in the morning and nobody would attend to you.
The most interesting travel insurance must also have new return coverage in case of hospitalization. Luckily I have never needed it, but I know cases in which this circumstance has occurred, and they have been seen “cannons” to return.
The best Trip Insurance
Among the various insurance companies, the ones I consider to offer the best travel insurance are the following.
It is a Spanish company that is backed by the experience of many years, and that protects all of the trips.
It is also the company that gives the most comprehensive coverage.
Mondo is one of the companies that has stormed the market with the most strength, offering some of the best travel insurance and trying to gain a foothold among the various travel blogs. They are not an insurer to use, but an insurance brokerage, intermediaries of companies such as Arag, Axa or Zurich, among others.
A significant advantage of Mondo is that it has a free travel assistance APP to manage possible incidents through a 24-hour medical chat, free assistance call (online) and incident management.
- Travel insurance: To ensure your vacation and travel with total peace of mind.
- Annual Multiviaje Insurance: Coverage for all trips up to 120 days each.
- Travel Cancellation Insurance: Secure the cancellation costs of your trip in case you finally cannot travel for 39 different causes.
IATI is another of the companies that offer the best insurance, very focused on tourism trips and a great tradition in the blogger world. It is a brokerage that works primarily with insurers such as ARAG.
Some Of The Best Insurance For IATI Are:
Basic IATI
Cheap travel insurance designed for trips of a maximum of 30 days. This is a fundamental policy, with a medical expenses capital of 50,000 dollars which covers a minimum of medical assistance and other basic coverage.
Proper travel insurance with medical coverage of 350,000 dollars specially designed for trips to countries with high medical costs
IATI Premium Star
Travel insurance with medical coverage of 500,000 dollars, suitable for countries such as the United States, Canada or Japan. It also includes coverage of 2,500 dollars of luggage and 5,000 dollars of cancellation.